Heroes and Heroines
Live Action Roleplaying
**Please note that the published PDF rules booklet (available in the downloads section) is considered in all instances to be authoritative. in the unlikely case that rules published on the web pages conflict with those published in the rules booklets, the rules booklet is to be taken as authoritative and correct **
In order to get a good understanding of the game and its rules, we often recommend that people try out monstering on an event or two first as this allows you to get to know other club members, play out multiple monster/character types and ask as many questions as you like to the referees and others without worrying about remaining in character all the time.
A basic introduction to H&H LARP rules can be found in the Basics Ruleset in the downloads section. This provides everything a person new to H&H needs to understand the basics of the game rules. However, you must register with the site administrator in order to access this section fully. In addition to the Basic Rules, further rule-books are available in the registered downloads section.