Heroes and Heroines Live Action Roleplay (Larp/LRP)

A UK Live Roleplaying Group Based in The West Midlands

The Heroes and Heroines LARP CIC Co-ordinators

Heroes and Heroines is proud to be a non-profit making club, run by the hard work of our volunteer co-ordinators and referees. The club is managed by our co-ordinators who are currently composed as follows:

CIC Director, Safeguarding Lead: Alex (lex@heroesandheroines.co.uk)

CIC Director, CIC Secretary: Seb (seb@heroesandheroines.co.uk)

CIC Director, Treasurer: Anthony (anthony@heroesandheroines.co.uk)

Guild and Character Admin: Mark (guilds@heroesandheroines.co.uk)

Site Agent: Fi (siteagent@heroesandheroines.co.uk)

Engagement Coordinator: Ash (Engagement@heroesandheroines.co.uk)

Non-Committee Club Positions

Webmaster: Seb Smith (webmaster@heroesandheroines.org)