Heroes and Heroines Live Action Roleplay (Larp/LRP)

A UK Live Roleplaying Group Based in The West Midlands

Heroes and Heroines LARP News

Welcome to the Heroes and Heroines Live Action Roleplaying news page.

This page contains in character news from the LRP world, and out of character news about our LARP club.

In character news can vary in its level of trustworthiness - Roughly speaking, 'Rumours' should be taken to be the kind of news that somebody told you at the pub, and may or may not be true. 'Reports' are written by characters, and while they are reviewed by the guilds, may be subject to a character's own prejudices, views and interpretation. They may also have been subjected to censorship and adjustment by the guilds. 'News Reports' are released by the guilds, and while generally factually correct, may also be subject to the prejudices and agendas of the various guilds. Announcements are released by The Lord Protector, and are generally the most trustworthy sources of information.

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2 Cygria, 8978 Ta
Plane Sailing. Chiaroscuro - Skirmisher Rivalyn - Healer Faer talen Vydalia – Wizard of the Dark College Twig – Wizard of the... Read More
26 Cantria, 8978 Ta
26 Cantria, 8978 Ta
Allow Marius to pose a hypothetical and philosophical question.  In the field Auxiliaries are often tasked with making snap decisions with... Read More
3 Grusaba, 8977 Ta
The Memory Teller. To:  The First Thieftaker, Elder Brother Harrigan, Guild Leader of the Mistwalkers. Elder Brother, It was my honour... Read More
28 Cortria, 8977 Ta
A Summer Solstice Cocktail Party. All Hail King Scruffles.   To:  The First Thieftaker, Elder Brother Harrigan, Guild Leader of... Read More
27 Cortria, 8977 Ta
My Lords and Ladies, May the divine light shine upon you both and upon all your good works. Your servant wishes to submit this report to... Read More
14 Cortria, 8977 Ta
Cortria 8977 – Mission report covering diplomatic mission to Fae Court Auxiliaries Priest Sweetpea – Pyramid of Light... Read More
29 Lupria, 8977 Ta
An Amethyst in the Rough A hard stretched Protectorate could only afford 5 auxiliaries from the front line for a most important mission, so... Read More
9 Cetenari, 8976 Ta
Pip and Maruis’ Big Weekend Away.   Dear Lady Protector Foxglove. The hamper was packed with the rarest of cheeses to be found in... Read More
26 Cygria, 8976 Ta
Marius’s Diary – Mission to the Haunted Hills Day 1 Dear Pip Squeak. Today Marius went on a mission.  After sitting on high... Read More
7 Cantria, 8976 Ta
To the High Protector, Lady Foxglove Most Urgent and TOP SECRET CC:  Lord Artemis, Angel, The Town Criers Guild,  Joe from the bar,... Read More
7 Cantria, 8976 Ta
Lady Foxglove, Lady Protector of the Protectorate.   Oh most Wise and Noble Lady Protector Foxglove, Marius (the Magnificent, Slayer of... Read More
7 Cantria, 8976 Ta
Four mini-Auxiliaries rowed hard, pulling the long boat through the surf and to the beach.  In the boat with oars in hand sat Piper and Jackal,... Read More
4 Cortria, 8976 Ta
To the High Protector, Lady Foxglove Most Urgent and TOP SECRET CC:  Lord Artemis, Angel, The Town Criers Guild,  Joe from the bar,... Read More
26 Vultria, 8975 Ta
Report by Marius the Magnificent, slayer of Zombies. To: The New Lady Protector of the Protectorate, the one who isn’t Lord Artemis and may... Read More