Heroes and Heroines Live Action Roleplay (Larp/LRP)

A UK Live Roleplaying Group Based in The West Midlands

The Guilds of Heroes and Heroines LARP

Auxiliaries and the Guilds

Many of the most important organisations within the Protectorate are guilds.  To become a member of a primary guild is to be provided with security, training, a job for life, and status within society.  

Trainee Auxiliaries are of great interest to the guilds.  This curious military unit of problem solvers, oddballs and misfits has historically produced exceptional individuals who go on to lead dazzling, if occasionally rather short careers.  Most unguilded auxiliaries are quickly 'snapped up' by one of the primary guilds.  Very few remain unguilded - a hard path to follow, as the unguilded must pay for all their training themselves.  ​​​​For in depth information on each of the guilds see the Guild Handbook.

There are 8 Guilds within the Protectorate, each one with representatives on the ruling council.  Very often it is one of the Guilds which sponsor a mission for the Auxiliaries.





Latest Guild News Lepria 8977 (01/22)

Guild Status News Resources
Corwyn's Legion Normal

See Discord

The Fellowship of Axe and Sword Waning

See Discord

The Mistwalkers Normal

See Discord

The Pyramid of Light Normal See Discord

Note: scrollls may only be ones available to your own Sect

The Halls of Power Normal

See Discord

Note: scrollls may only be ones available to your own Sect

The Dark Sanctum Normal

See Discord

Note: scrollls may only be ones available to your own Sect

The Groves Waxing

See Discord

Note: scrollls may only be ones available to your own Sect

The University  Normal

See Discord

Note: scrollls may only be ones available to your own Primary School/Universal