Heroes and Heroines Live Action Roleplay (Larp/LRP)

A UK Live Roleplaying Group Based in The West Midlands

View In Character News

Below are In Character news items. These items consist of rumours floating around the local public houses and dining halls, reports from characters who have been out on missions, news reports released by The Guilds and announcements from The Lord Protector. These In Character news items are of variable trustworthiness, and may be subject to the politics and views of those who publish them.

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10 Drasaba, 8966 Ta
The Darklands Ambassador has advised us that the Southern, South-Eastern and Eastern regions of the Haunted Lands are now covered by small battles... Read More
10 Cortria, 8966 Ta
Reports are being received of three large bodies of 'troops' moving across the lands, heading towards what appears to be Stygia. A very large unit... Read More
10 Pavria, 8966 Ta
We have received solid information that the Lord of Eerie was slain on orders of the Pale Duke, who has cited treason as the instigating factor in... Read More
10 Pavria, 8966 Ta
For the first time in recent history, we have decided to inform all major powers of Eden of the result of our yearly political meeting; the Dark... Read More
10 Monsaba, 8966 Ta
We are receiving reports of large numbers of Constructs and Elementals massing in central and northern Enchantica. The UU are looking into this but... Read More
10 Monsaba, 8966 Ta
As of midnight tonight, the Unseen University, Cave of Wonders and Sabbath Hill are off-limits due to severe localised disturbances and reports of... Read More
10 Lupria, 8966 Ta
There has been a noted increase in travellers and outlying settlements being harassed by Dark Fey and troublesome sylvan creatures over the last... Read More
10 Lupria, 8966 Ta
We can now confirm the rumours spreading from the Oakwoods that the statement made at the Winter Solstice by the Circle of the Bloodied Stag was no... Read More
10 Vultria, 8966 Ta
We are announcing the disappearance of Arrus Highbreeze, head of the Air College. The Unseen University is prepared to pay a sum of two hundred... Read More
10 Vultria, 8966 Ta
To all inhabitants of the Protectorate: It has been spoken of for some time, but we can now confirm that magical 'disturbances' are occurring in... Read More
10 Vultria, 8966 Ta
We have recently received news from our sources in the Iron League and the Darklands confirming the assassinations of the three following Provincial... Read More
10 Lepria, 8966 Ta
During the start of the Winter season the Grove was forced into closing it's borders to all non-Druids and we understand how the secrecy around this... Read More
9 Cetenari, 8965 Ta
Over the last two months we have received news and information about various leaders and important personages within the Guilds and Sects of... Read More
9 Cetenari, 8965 Ta
We knows a couple of important types has been huntin' fer a fourth fancy lookin' weapon fer their mantlepiece fer some time. We 'eard you'd worked... Read More
9 Cetenari, 8965 Ta
We have received a statement from the Head Heirophant of Deepfern: "Our thanks go to the members of the Protectorate for their assistance is... Read More