Heroes and Heroines Live Action Roleplay (Larp/LRP)

A UK Live Roleplaying Group Based in The West Midlands

Stygian unrest

Share URL: http://larp.events/na43

10 Cantria, 8966 Ta

Source: The Heralds Guild

The Pale Duke has announced another edict as of today: "Forthwith, the Darklands Province of Stygia is under martial law and anyone found without appropriate papers, identification or lack of their Countries colours openly displayed will either be detained for deportation or considered a spy and dealt with accordingly. We wish it to be clear we are dealing with our civil unrest and thank the Protectorate for ensuring the borders remain clear of additional insurgents or refugee's. In the meantime additional forces from Draconia, Eerie and the Bone Lands are being moved into the Province. This will include regular peace-keeping troops, advisorial units from the Hounds of War, Dark Paladins from the Blood Knights intent on ensuring civilians are treated fairly and groups of Priests from the Unlit Way to see to the spiritual needs of the populace."