So, as Mig correctly pointed out, you can have all the shiney code in the world, but without actual content a website is worthless. As such, I'm looking for one or more 'Content Creator/Managers' - It will be your job to write, manage and develop the content of the website in liaison with the Webmonkeys...
It will help if you have a passing familiarity with HTML code, but that's not essential - the site has a What You See is What You Get conent management thingy, so you won't actually need to do anything more comepetent than using a word processor.
You will need to be fairly ICT literate (ie be able to use a web browser and a word processor without your brain melting and the computer flying out of the nearest window)
You will need to be able to spell, and construct a valid written sentence when sober.
You will need a computer...
You will need to be able to put up with the mindless gibbering and faeces throwing of the webmonkeys...
e-mail if you're interested