Heroes and Heroines Live Action Roleplay (Larp/LRP)

A UK Live Roleplaying Group Based in The West Midlands

Cash calamity!

Share URL: http://larp.events/na61

11 Drasaba, 8967 Ta

Source: The Merchant Adventurers

This announcement has already been made to the rulers of each and every Province of the Protectorate, Iron League, Oakwoods and the Darklands: Every Ten Dragon note could be forged. Last week, a group of Auxiliaries new to Shadyvale Keep stumbled across a plot to continue ransoming the daughter of an extremely highly placed member of the Iron League Merchant Bankers association, a man responsible for the printing of Ten Dragon notes - the blanks of which are sent to every Country in small quantities for local currency as well as massive quantities for the staple exchange rate, based on Iron League notes and values. Since then an investigation has been occurring night and day by the appropriate authorities in every affected Country and it has been determined that various qualities of counterfeit notes have been passed around the Provinces for anywhere up to SEVEN years! Any Ten Dragon notes in circulation are being withdrawn and an overhaul of the design of the main currency is even now, taking place. If you have Ten Dragon notes, take them to the Merchant Adventurers at the Grand Bazaar and you will be advised one of three things: 1) Your note is completely and identifiably counterfeit. You will be given a One Dragon note in exchange for the time you take to go to the Merchants to have it examined, otherwise, the note is valueless. 2) Your note could be legitimate but is from a time when counterfeiting had begun, so you will be issued with either; a Five Dragon note, or Ten Dragons credit with the Merchant Adventurers. 3) Your note is very likely legitimate and you will have Ten Dragons set aside for you at Shadyvale Keep for when the new currency is produced (more information on this over the next few weeks). Note that, as of this announcement, ALL Ten Dragon notes are now considered fraudulent currency and any attempt to use them will result in a fine, a trial and/or jail sentence and possible expulsion from your Guild or Sponsor. William De Livre Vice-Magnate of the Merchant Adventurers, Protectorate Branch.