Heroes and Heroines Live Action Roleplay (Larp/LRP)

A UK Live Roleplaying Group Based in The West Midlands

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11 Monsaba, 8967 Ta

Source: The Heralds Guild

DARKLANDS Their Eastern coast has had two landings which were attacked and destroyed by forces from the Blackened Marches. One of the groups seemed to be pirates or buccaneers, the other had symbols of three inter-linked rings upon the ships sail. Their Northern coast had a landing from a merchant ship that said it hailed from a Port on the coast of the Magnus plains, which is on the continent of Havdan. ENCHANTICA There has been one report from Magma, that a trade vessel from Caiso'tan made beachfall someone along the ruined coastline of what remains of the West Witcheries. Nothing has been seen or heard of them since then. OAKWOODS They sighted some kind of massive balloon on their Eastern coast and there have been a few sightings of three fast ships heading towards the Eastern regions of the Iron League. No colours were seen on these ships. IRON LEAGUE Six landings have been reported, three of which were a small pirate flotilla that is currently causing havoc on the South coast of the Eastern League. A galley bearing colours identified as Nevean has made dock at a Port in the Eastern League and two other Nevean galleys are sailing along the southern tip of the Western League. PROTECTORATE Two pirate ships have been seen traversing the coast of Talltrees, possibly pursuing a small merchantman bearing the colours of Caiso'Tan. Wildwood has reported the passing of a privateer and sightings of a dark-sailed man 'o' war indicate it is heading to land on the southern edge of Darkwater. PROVINCE RE-NAMED The Game Lands in the East of the Iron League, which lost about a third of it's territory when the mists descended, has been re-named 'Shatterhold'. TRADE UPDATE Several independent traders and merchants from the Western League have joined together to form the Iron-Law Cartel. They have already begun making great efforts to procure large quantities of five and fifty Dragons notes in a rapid note-changing move. No-one as yet knows why. The Iron League Trading Association is currently procuring large amounts of magical weaponry. THEFT Be on the look out for raiders that ambushed an important shipment of alchemical potions and goods as it crossed the borders of Eastern Talltrees two days ago. Very valuable potions and reagents such as Arcane Dispel and Teleport Potions were seized as well as quantities of Fire-blood and Salamander Ichor.