Heroes and Heroines Live Action Roleplay (Larp/LRP)

A UK Live Roleplaying Group Based in The West Midlands


Share URL: http://larp.events/na58

11 Monsaba, 8967 Ta

Source: The Heralds Guild

As of midnight today, the various leaders of the recognised powers of this land have agreed a full treaty of co-operation and cessation of any current military or subversive actions. The Pale Duke and the Spider lord - representing the Dark Lands - have sent ambassadors and dignitaries to each of the countries around them to sign mutually beneficial agreements and treaties now we know where we are...but not what to expect. The Association of Allied Traders from the Iron League, along with the Grand High Druid of the Oakwoods and the Lords Council of the Protectorate have accepted this unprecedented move from the Dark Lands are are - even now - sending our own ambassadors and dignitaries to treat with the Pale Duke and Spider Lord. No word has yet been received by the High Council of Magma or the Fey Court, but representatives of Fell Meet have requested to join discussions and we await news of the Wilted Woods delegation. However we are aware there is slim chance of any of them breaking out of their embattled position at this time, although we hope for the best. All information gained by any one group or country is to be shared equally and the Druidical enclaves of the Oakwoods have agreed to provide Tree-shifts for delegations as their country is considered the most 'neutral' in these matters. The Heralds Guild.