Heroes and Heroines Live Action Roleplay (Larp/LRP)

A UK Live Roleplaying Group Based in The West Midlands

Corruption uncovered

Share URL: http://larp.events/na54

11 Vultria, 8967 Ta

Source: The Merchant Adventurers

Thanks to the sterling work of several Auxiliaries and agents of the Western League from the Iron League, corrupt elements of the influential Iron League Trading Association have been exposed and a number of them captured and put on trial for illegal activities ranging from banditry to extortion and murder. A spokesman for the organisation, one Eugene Spindle Esq. is reported to have been both shocked and appalled at this massive illegal operation being discovered and has set several powerful and important agents and personages on the trail of those corrupt 'rogue traders' that have evaded initial investigations. His spokesman has stated he is "most, most interested in urgently meeting with the wonderful chaps and spiffing fellows who brought us the information that enabled us to crack open this dastardly inner circle of cads and bounders, what!" Investigations are ongoing into the remaining 'ringleaders', including Barold, known to have caused serious trouble within the Protectorate border for some years now. On behalf of: The Merchant Adventurers.